Friday, March 17, 2017

A Visitor in Georgetown

Bill repairing the flag halyard
   Drum roll, pleeeeeease . . . I can now officially say that we have rounded a milestone!  We are farther south than we have ever been on our little boat; 58 miles farther to be exact.  This may not seem like much but, when you consider that we only average 5 knots per hour, that starts to mean a little more.  Those miles have also contributed to our current running total of 2,331 nautical miles under the keel.  Not too bad . . .

We are currently sitting in Georgetown doing a little celebrating and along for the ride is my mother.  She's here with us for a week.  We picked her up while in a marina just north of Georgetown proper and after a few days there, we dropped the hook at Sand Dollar Beach just off of Georgetown.

   Despite the unusually cool, squally weather, we've been doing our best to take in the sights and give my mother a true taste of what cruising life is like.  She's witnessed some repairs on the boat, sailed a bit in less than calm seas, toured the city a bit, met many welcoming, friendly cruisers and even been to the beach for a bonfire.

The Emerald Bay Pub and Grill.  These Guys really do have
the best conch fritter in the Bahamas. 

Outside the straw market
   Even for the Bahamas, Georgetown is a pretty interesting, eclectic place to check out.  There is a straw market not too far from the dinghy dock where souvenirs of all kinds can be had.  Straw hats, bags, jewelry, t-shirts, wooden carvings, and even produce are on display in front of ladies eager to help you find just what you're looking for.


  The trash drop off is a white truck parked beside one of the two grocery stores in town.  There is a small charge to drop off your trash but, if there is no one to take your fee, you just drop it through the truck's window.  The honor system is often relied upon in the Bahamas.

Trainee's Salon and Styles Seafood
   Looking for fresh fish? . . . Then head to the hair salon, of course.  Trainee's Unisex Beauty Salon also houses Styles Seafood.  Trainee's husband is a fisherman.  He stores the fish in a cooler at her salon and she sells it throughout the day.        

If this looks normal, you don't live in the U.S. . . Notice the
"Keep Left" sticker on the windshield
   If you have a lot of errands to run, renting a car is an option.  Cars can be rented by the day here and are a pretty convenient if you happen to be picking up someone from the airport since the rental center is right across the street from the runway.  These cars do come with a catch or two, though.  You must remember that, since you are driving in what, until very recently, used to be a British territory, you must manage to drive on the left side of the road.  The majority of rental cars here are also made by Suzuki.  So, upon turning the key, the GPS begins to talk to you in Japanese.  Since no one seems to know how to change the settings . . . or speak Japanese . . . The GPS proved to be amusing but, unfortunately, useless.    
Japanese GPS . . . Not helpful . . .


   So far, the three of us have been enjoying our stay here. Bill and I both like the area and we feel that my mother is getting to see a pretty complete picture of our life afloat.  When it comes time for her to fly back to the States, I'll actually be going with her. My former college roommate is tying the knot and I'm in the wedding party.  So, I'll be in the states for a little over a week and then fly back  so that Bill and I can continue our journey south.  Hurricane season isn't very far away . . . So a new country is on the horizon.

Beautiful Hibiscus 
   Please let us know what you think. Feel free to ask questions and leave nice comments. (If no one has commented yet, there will be a "No Comments" link near the bottom of the post. If someone has already commented, there will be a number and the word "comments" beside it. Just click whichever of these is there, click, "add comment" when the window opens, and type away.)

Friday, March 3, 2017

Ruins and Slower Pace

Black Point Harbor

   Away from the mega-yacht infused marinas, over-priced stores and restaurants, and tourists in "desperate" need to post, tweet, and chat . . . away from the over-crowded hub of Nassau . . . is the Bahamian version of Mayberry. Here, things run at a slower, calmer pace.
A VERY relaxed cat on island time

   There's basically one main road that leads around the island. The local phone rep comes from the "mainland" (Georgetown) once a week to take care of the residents' minutes and bills.  Goats are the going model of lawn mower. The local children leave their small classrooms and walk home for lunch, returning to fit in a quick game of basketball before the bell rings.  The constable even doubles as the justice of the peace.    

   Yep, we've made it back to Black Point Settlement.  For those of you that have been keeping up with us for a while, you'll remember this as the place where I volunteered at the school for three weeks.  This is also where we made our first real attempt at fixing our engine fiasco and where we rode out Tropical Storm Anna.  (If you want to check out our first time in this wonderful spot, click on the links for May and June of 2015.)

This rock conveniently had a hole
in it for our dinghy line (painter)
   After spending a few nights in Palm Key Marina to wait out a front, we sailed south.  We made a few stops here and there, quick jaunts from island to island.  One of these spots was a place called Pipe Cay.  A former British Naval Navigation Center, this spot provides an interesting walk around the ruins (what's left of the center) along with a few pretty places to anchor your dinghy.
A BIG Bollard for a BIG boat

Some one went to a lot of trouble to make this a
sun downers spot

Inside the living quarters

I saved this little guy's life . . . I found him washed up on the
beach, so I put him back and he snuggled back into the sand

   We dropped anchor in Black Point yesterday afternoon.  Once we were settled in, we walked up to Lorraine's Cafe to catch up on our internet needs and have dinner. We plan on being here for about a week. This will allow us to catch a weather window to Georgetown.   I'll keep updating when I can as we keep moving further south.

   Please let us know what you think. Feel free to ask questions and leave nice comments. (If no one has commented yet, there will be a "No Comments" link near the bottom of the post. If someone has already commented, there will be a number and the word "comments" beside it. Just click whichever of these is there, click, "add comment" when the window opens, and type away.)