So, I thought I’d take a few minutes to highlight our year’s
trek down the ICW, around the Keys, over to the Bahamas, and back across the
Atlantic to Florida.
Miles Traveled: 2,280; Nautical Miles: 1,981 . . . and this
was really covered in about half of the year since we were forced to return to
Florida in June.

Nautical Sailing Miles: approximately 530 (about 350 after
the engine died)
Number of Projects Started/Completed: Countless . . . Project lists are never-ending on a boat. There was the wind generator, a couple of bilge pumps, adding on solar panels and repairing then later on, the air conditioner, the dinghy motor (just to name a few) . . . oh, and there was the little problem of the engine . . .
States Visited: 5 plus 3 of the Florida Keys
Other Countries Visited: 1 – The Bahamas; We anchored off
of/explored 11 islands – or Cays (pronounced “Keys”)
Scariest Moment: Riding out the surprise of Tropical Storm
Anna in Black Point Harbor on one anchor (not set by the engine) and no way to
set another . . . There were waves coming over the bow (at anchor!) and boats
all around us were dragging . . . we didn’t drag an inch (We LOVE our Spade
anchor now!)
Favorite Spot: There were many places that we really enjoyed
but, we really have 2 favorites. Black
Point was our favorite cruisers’ haven.
This was THE best place overall for us to be. Shroud Cay was our favorite place to
explore. Shroud’s beaches were spectacular
and offered the best picture-perfect, breath-taking views.
Least Favorite Spot: Honestly . . . this title goes to Ft.
Lauderdale because it seems that, on the whole, no one seems to have the time
for or interest in sailboats. Mega yachts
and money rule here . . . sailboats and their owners take a back seat . . .
This is a LARGE part of why it took sooo long for the engine to get the
attention it needed to get up and running again . . .
Awesome Animal Encounter: Manatees!! These guys are so cool!
Proudest Moment: For Bill, this would be when Tropical Storm
Anna blew over. Seeing that we had set
the anchor well enough that we were one of the few boats in a harbor of many
that didn’t budge was definitely a confidence booster.
For me, this came
from one of my students. From day one of
working at the school, I always had a hand full of books with me (a habit I
picked up from my substitute days). The
first time I pulled a book out, one of the students told me that he didn’t like
stories. I told him that he didn’t have
to listen but, he did have to sit and be respectful to his peers. It didn’t take long for this boy to go from
not liking the story to listing to it.
By the time I left, he was engrossed in the books I presented and was
obviously enjoying them. On my last day
there, he shyly told me, “Do you remember
when I told you that I didn’t like stories? Well, I like when you read them”. Turning a child on to reading: priceless.
Thanks for keeping up with us and our travels. Here's to many more miles, adventures, and blog posts in the future!
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